Cross Fade Enter Tainment (CFET) was the label from DJ raid and Christoph de Babalon born mid 90's in Hamburg. I got in touch with them after the first release and offered to do design work. I joined the label. DJ raid left.
Coined as "extreme electronic music" CFET went on to release 11 more records. We met and bought together many amazing people and released some crazy amazing music. my label partner became a flatmate, a good friend and a fantastic musician. I, on the other hand, made the most terribly produced noisiest acid ever. It was punk and DIY and anarchy. Sweat and Bass. It was alot of noise. Techno. It was so much fun.
My love for music took me all over the place, Squats in Den Haag, Spiral Tribe in Berlin, hardcore in Genoa, a roadie for a Radiohead tour, random raves in random basements everywhere and much more. And of course, in the beginning, music dragged me to Germany.
I secretly regret never being in a band or following my love for music as a musician. But being a part of Cross Fade Enter Tainment was the closest I ever became to being one. On the other hand, merely being a fan of music is maybe a better way of loving the highest form of art that exists.
Check out this awesome Tribute to Cross Fade Enter Tainment mix from Low Entropy from Hamburg and the kind words he has to say. Nice one Soenke!